
Hague Abduction Convention Cases - Procedural Protocol

Attached please find the Procedural Protocol for the Handling of Return Applications under the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, Manitoba Court of King's Bench, Family Division.

The Protocol was developed to adopt various recommendations respecting the expeditious handling of Hague Abduction Convention cases that were made at Special Commissions and international meetings examining the operation of the Convention. The project to develop the Protocol was led by Madam Justice Robyn Diamond of the Manitoba Court of King's Bench (Family Division) who has been the common-law Judicial representative at a number of these Special Commissions and meetings.

The Protocol was approved by the Manitoba Court of King's Bench in June, 2007. Some of the procedures will require amendments to the King's Bench Rules in the near future. The Protocol also applies, with necessary modifications, to proceedings to enforce a custody order under The Child Custody Enforcement Act, C.C.S.M. c. C360.


Original signed by 
The Honourable Gerald W. Mercier
Associate Chief Justice
Court of Queen's Bench


DATE: October 2007

Information on this page last updated on June 11, 2024