The Appointment Committee for Judicial Justices of the Peace welcomes the interest of qualified persons wishing to be considered for appointment as a Judicial Justice of the Peace of The Provincial Court of Manitoba.
Judicial Justice of the Peace Appointment Process
Consent to the Disclosure and Verification for Screening checks
Judicial Justice of the Peace Application Form
It is the responsibility of the Justice of the Peace Appointment Committee to recommend to the Attorney General a list of not fewer than three and not more than six names of individuals for each vacant position of Judicial Justice of the Peace. If another position of judicial justice of the peace becomes vacant within six months after the appointment committee provides a list of qualified candidates to the minister, that list may be used in making an appointment to fill the new vacancy.
The mandate of the Justice of the Peace Appointment Committee is to assess the experience, knowledge, community awareness and personal suitability of candidates, and to take into account the diversity of Manitoba society (c. 275, The Provincial Court Act).