

new Notice - Circuit Sittings - Killarney

Posté la 28 janvier, 2021

The Provincial Court has issued a new Notice re: Circuit Sittings - Killarneyread it here...

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Demande d'accès au CCAIN

Posté la 07 janvier, 2021

Counsel may now request access to CCAIN by completed the required form and submitting it for review.find the form here...

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New Notice - Scheduling of Video Appearances for Disposition and Contested Bail Applications in Regional Court Centres

Posté la 05 janvier, 2021

New Provincial Court Notice issued  - Scheduleing of Video Appearances for Disposition and Contested Bail Applications in Regional Court Centresread...

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New Provincial Court Judge

Posté la 29 octobre, 2020

Dave Mann has been appointed to the Provincial Court.  Congratulations and welcome Judge Mann....

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Date de la dernière mise à jour des renseignements affichés sur cette page: 27 avril, 2023