
Minnedosa Court Office upcoming closures

Posted on January 23, 2025

The Minnedosa Court office dates/hours of operation will experience some changes between January 27 and February 7, 2025.  Despite these changes, please email minnedosacourtoffice@gov.mb.ca with any requests, inquiries, informations as this email will be monitored by other court locations/staff members. 

Office hours:

January 27 – 10am -3:30pm
January 28 – CLOSED until special sitting is complete then the office will be open until 3:30pm. However, if the special                               sitting is all day, then the office will be closed
January 29 – CLOSED
January 30 – 10am-3:30pm
January 31 – 9am-3:30pm
February 3 – 9am-4:30pm
February 4 – 9am-4:30pm
February 5 – CLOSED
February 6 – 9:00am-3:30pm
February 7 - CLOSED

Here is some additional information you may find helpful:

 -        Process Hearings (processhearings@gov.mb.ca) is available to swear information’s by telecommunications;
-        If any detachments receive an application for surety these can be handled by any other regional court centre.
-        If any detachment receives an application for a Protection Order, please send to Process Hearings (processhearings@gov.mb.ca)   
-        Payments for tickets can be done online or through e-transfer by calling 204-948-1282;
-        Cash bails can be paid through e-transfer by calling 204-945-5495 or 204-945-7346;  or contact any other court centre for assistance  

Information on this page last updated on January 23, 2025