
Supreme Court of Canada in Winnipeg

Posted on September 13, 2019

Attending the Supreme Court of Canada Hearings in Winnipeg (September 25 and 26, 2019)

If you are counsel to the appeals, you may have specific entrance instructions from the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) Registry.  If so, please follow those instructions.

All others must enter through the main entrance at 408 York Avenue in Winnipeg in order to attend the SCC hearing.

On Wednesday, September 25th, the front doors will unlock at 8:30am and on the Wednesday, September 26th they will unlock at 8:00am.  The public may begin to enter at those times. 

If you are someone who would normally make use of the Fast Track access lane to enter the Law Courts complex, but your intention on Sept 25th or Sept 26th is to observe the SCC hearing, you may only do so by passing through the main perimeter security lanes.  You may, however, show your Fast Track or Law Society identification to Sheriff officers when you reach them.  No seats in the SCC appeal can be obtained without passing through this line by anyone other than parties, counsel of record and a limited number of media.

You may find these additional resources to be of assistance as you prepare to visit the Winnipeg Law Courts for the SCC appeal hearings; 

Supreme Court of Canada in Winnipeg -   https://www.scc-csc.ca/court-cour/events-evenements/winnipeg/index-eng.aspx

Video – What to expect when attending Court https://www.manitobacourts.mb.ca/video-library/

Information on this page last updated on September 13, 2019